Conda is an Equity-Based Crowdfunding Platform for SMEs
Crowdberry represents an equity investing platform which basic essence is connection of private investor’s club with dynamic entrepreneurial ideas. The goal is to gather capital from various investors in exchange of % share on a company. ( is a public collection registered under SVS-OVVO-25486-54834. It emerged spontaneously as a giving portal in October 2007 to help children with disabilities, severely ill, widowed mothers and their children, foster and multi-child families, people living in poverty and in need, […]
Dobrá krajina (Good Country) is a public collection registered under SVS-OVS3-2014/020885. The Pontis Foundation and the Dobrá krajina Board make an annual selection of projects based on call for applications. Projects aimed at improving the country may receive funding online at […]
HitHit is a Slovak version of a Czech HitHit, a portal functioning on a principle of nothing or all. Maximum duration of the project is 45 days and if the campaign does not reach this goal, it flops. HitHIt is a place […]